Once we (men) age our own testosterone (and not only but here we talk about testosterone) production is getting lower which affects our quality of life. TRT = Testosterone Replacement Therapy. The amount of testosterone our body makes will depend on which lifestyle we had. If it was an active lifestyle with daily walk and…
Tag: testosterone
10 Weeks Deca and Testosterone Bulking Cycle
Cycle for 10 Weeks with Deca by British Dragon and Cypionate or Enanthate Testosterone Bulking Cycle This can be considered as one of the beginners bulking cycle where are used two of most popular anabolic steroids like Decabol and British Dragon Test C or enanthate (actually it does not matter as both enanthate and cypionate…
Methandienone and Testosterone Cypionate Steroid Cycle
Methandienone (Dbol) and Testosterone Cypionate Steroid Cycle Time to bulk up. Everyone is getting bigger. Just be sure you train hard and eat enough and clean and in right proportions. Do not start before taking a long break and having blood work done. Ok, here is Methandienone(Dbol) and Testosterone Cypionate 250 Cycle 2017. WEEKS =========================…
Lean Gains Cycle
EQ and Winnie will lean you out and help you gets those cuts for the summer…if you wanna bulk a little throw in a low dose of test to keep things functional….. wks 1 – 10 test.e @ 250mg ( 1 shot a week)wks 1 – 10 eq @ 400mg ( 2 shots a week…

Testosterone Propionate Cycle and Tren Acecetate
Here is a basic steroid cycle but with a couple of advanced compounds , you could use this cycle to build lean gains or to help along side a cutting routine with a good diet. The injections are done every other day with weekends off , so monday , wednesday and friday. Test Prop 1ml/100mg…
Understanding Cycle Planning
There is no doubt that steroids are most effective when they are administered in a sensible and logical manner. This requires that the athlete observe certain rules. A basic requirement is that the steroid intake be divided into cycles. By a steroid cycle most mean a 10- 12 week application of a single compound or…
Geneza Pharmaceuticals Review.
Welcome , Right i thought id post up a review of Geneza Pharmaceuticals , i previously tried the UG Brand so i thought id share my findings and results with you all! First off this is the cycle i did .. GP Test Enanth 250 @ 500mg each week (12weeks 2 x injections /…
Supplements that increase testosterone production
Each bodybuilder who did a steroid cycle knows what is to have low testosterone levels after cycle is finished. This is due to the fact that during cycle your body got external testosterone and its ability to produce its own has decreased. However you can have low testosterone production even if you are not after…