Below is an example of Winstrol Cycle. This is steroid cycle for men. Winstrol dosage can be adjusted according to other factors like health, age and other products used in the same steroid cycle.
Category: Cutting Steroids Cycles
Cutting Steroids Cycles (summer and pre-contest)
Beligas Primobolan Cycle and Propha-Testosterone 100 Steroids
Beligas Primobolan Cycle on Steroids Cycles Blog WEEKS 1-14 Etho-Primobolan – 600mg/week 1-14 Propha-Testosterone 100 – 400-500mg/week 10-14 Winstrol (stanozolol) 40mg/day PCT with Clomid starts 1 week after last injection As a side note, the winstrol can be replaced with Turanibol. Due to its quick effects on strength and muscle growth, the product is very…
Beligas Cutting Steroids Cycle
Beligas Cutting Steroids Cycle is a new player on market and many like it not only for good working products but for how the product feels in hand. Since summer is almost here we present a summer cutting cycle made of Beligas Pharmaceuticals products. This cycle as any others is for healthy and responsible individuals…
Fluoxymesterone Cycle Example
Fluoxymesterone has strong androgenic properties and will give user strength and if used towards end of cycle will work well towards better hardness effect. Since it affects liver high dosages and long cycles must be avoided. When I say long I mean 5 weeks and dosage not more than 40mg/day. US Domestic Odin Anabolic Halotestion
TestoLab P100 + Trenolab A100 – 9 weeks Cutting Steroid Cycle
Hello, This is one of those cycles where user gets good quality muscles with less water retention. Both Testosterone Propionte (Testolab p100) and Trenbolone Acetate (Trenolab a100) are short & quick acting esters which means user will feel them pretty quick. Short acting ester means that injections are done more often like Every Other Day…
Long long Summer Cutting Cycle
This Long Summer Cutting Cycle is for those who already look good and want a more defined look. SUMMER CUTTING CYCLE WEEKS 1 to 16 1-16 Primobolan 800mg/week 1-16 Testosterone Propionate 400mg/week 1-4 Anavar 50mg/day 12-16 Winstrol 50mg/day Add there a cutting workout and drink BCAA’s and lots of water. We will use all products…
Vascularity Steroid Cycle #2
WEEKS 1-12 Testosterone Enanthate @2ml/week 1-12Trenbolone Enanthate@ 2ml/week 9-12 Winstrol Tabs @40mg/day PCT with Clomid starts 2 weeks after last injection PCT WITH CLOMID==============================Day 1 – Clomid 100mgDay 2 – Clomid 100mgFollowing 20 days – Clomid 50mg*If needed you can take it for 5-7 days more at 25mg/day dosage.TABS are taken with food.==============================

Vascularity Steroid Cycle
WEEKS 1-14 Testosterone Enanthate 2ml/week 1-14 Boldenone (EQ) 2ml/week 9-14 Anavar 60mg/day PCT with Clomid starts 2 weeks after last injection PCT WITH CLOMID==============================Day 1 – Clomid 100mgDay 2 – Clomid 100mgFollowing 20 days – Clomid 50mg*If needed you can take it for 5-7 days more at 25mg/day dosage.TABS are taken with food.============================== Related Links:
Anavar and Testosterone Propionate Cutting Steroid Cycle
Anavar and Testosterone Propionate Cycle on Steroids Cycles Blog This is another mix for cutting cycle which can be used during and before summer. Anavar are tabs and cant be used longer than 6 weeks. Propionate is quick version of testosterone which acts quick and can be used for 10 weeks at 1ml/EOD if EOD…
10 Steroids Cycles for different goals (newbie, bulking, cutting, strength)
Hi, here is a list of 10 most popular steroid cycles for different goals. To keep this article simple we will include PCT at the end of article and here we will include just basic PCT with Dragon Pharma Clomid. NEWBIE (or FIRST STEROID CYCLE) #1 Testosterone Enanthate 12 weeks steroid cycle WEEKS 1-12 Testosterone…