EQ and Winnie will lean you out and help you gets those cuts for the summer…if you wanna bulk a little throw in a low dose of test to keep things functional….. wks 1 – 10 test.e @ 250mg ( 1 shot a week)wks 1 – 10 eq @ 400mg ( 2 shots a week…
Tag: steroids blog

Testosterone Propionate Cycle and Tren Acecetate
Here is a basic steroid cycle but with a couple of advanced compounds , you could use this cycle to build lean gains or to help along side a cutting routine with a good diet. The injections are done every other day with weekends off , so monday , wednesday and friday. Test Prop 1ml/100mg…
Dianabol,Testosterone Deca Duraboline Steroid Cycle
Dianabol,Testosterone Deca Duraboline Steroid Cycle For today we have a classic mass builder for beginners and intermediate users. This cycle will give you about 10-15 kgs if you will train hard and eat enough protein, vitamins and amino-acids. Also do not forget about good rest. Weeks 1-4 Dbol (methandienone) 30-40mgs ED Weeks 1-12 Test Enanthate/Cypionate…
Geneza Pharmaceuticals Review.
Welcome , Right i thought id post up a review of Geneza Pharmaceuticals , i previously tried the UG Brand so i thought id share my findings and results with you all! First off this is the cycle i did .. GP Test Enanth 250 @ 500mg each week (12weeks 2 x injections /…