Equipoise, commonly referred to as EQ, is a testosterone-derived anabolic steroid that exhibits a diminished androgenic nature when compared to typical testosterone levels. EQ, also known as Boldenone, may not offer the same mass gains as testosterone, but it presents several advantages in terms of performance and a reduced likelihood of side effects. This makes…
Category: News

Sustanon 270 Dosage/Cycle/Stack
Dragon Pharma Sustanon 270 cycle isn’t recommended for underage athletes or those with contraindications. It’s important to consult with a physician before taking steroids. The average duration of a Sustanon cycle is 6 to 8 weeks, with a dosage of 250 to 500 milligrams of the active compound. To avoid side effects, it’s necessary to…
Buy Testosterone Enanthate Cycle
Buy Testosterone Enanthate Cycle by British Dragon.
You will get: 3 vials of Testabol Enanthate 250; 200 tablets of Methanabol (Dbol); 50 tablets of Clomiphene (Clomid)
8 weeks cutting steroid cycle
This is 8 weeks cutting steroid cycle eith Cutaxyl 150 by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Cutaxyl 150 Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Cutaxyl 150 for Sale Kapa Cutaxyl 150
Is Beligas Pharmaceuticals legit, Info and Products List
ABOUT BELIGAS PHARMACEUTICALS: Is Beligas Pharmaceuticals legit is a Belgian company focused on the development of human growth hormone (HGH), anabolic steroids (oral, raw steroid powders, injectable products and other products) and peptides. Over the years we have proven ourselves on the European market and are actively steering our way into the global pharmaceutical sector….
HGH, Primobolan Stack with Testosterone
This mix works well for cutting and getting that hard muscles effect. Join us for more information on how to use: hgh, primobolan and testosterone.
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Products Line Pictures
Whether you know it or no Kalpa Pharmaceuticals is one of the brands with good feedbacks on products quality according to what we read on forums. Here we put a photo gallery with Kalpa Anabolic Steroids.
Methanocrin – Injectable Dbol (methandrostenolone)
New Lab Eternuss Pharma on market presented their version of injectable Dbol. As they say: The Metehandrostenolone AKA as Dball is one of the most known and popular steroid, in this injection form it enables optimal effect with lower side impact due to the unique formula and injection route. Through the 1990’s and early 2000’s,…